SSA (Social Security Administration) DECEASED NOTIFICATION¶
- We ask that a Contact Person listed on the NPI call the NPI Enumerator at the phone number provided in the letter to verify the health care provider is deceased, so that the NPI can be Deactivated.
- If no response is received, the NPI will be Deactivated 30 days after the letter was sent out.
- Proof of life must be submitted to the NPI Enumerator at the address listed below to prevent the NPI from becoming Deactivated.
- NPI Enumerator
WINDSOR MILL MD 21244-2751 - NPI Enumerator
- It is the responsibility of the provider to contact the Social Security Administration to correct his/her information in their system.
- Proof of life must be submitted to the NPI Enumerator at the address listed below to prevent the NPI from becoming Deactivated.
SSA informs NPPES when their records indicate that a provider has died. NPPES, in turn generates a letter and sends it to the Primary Contact Person listed on the provider’s NPI, alerting them to the fact the provider has been identified as being deceased.
If the provider is deceased:
If the provider is not deceased: